My Whole Life Is a Lie (1)

"Wan Jie! What did you just say?" Tang Moyu jolted up from her seat, utterly shocked, her eyes widening at her sister's confession. 

Just what did her sister mean that she wasn't her mother's child? All of her legal documents named Zhang Wuying as her mother, so why would her Wan Jie say otherwise? She was aware that the reason her parents had adopted Tang Wanyu was because Zhang Wuying had trouble getting pregnant. 

But why would her Wan Jie claim that Zhang Wuying wasn't her birth mother? 

"Moyu.. I suppose by now, you knew that our parents were only bound together because of a marriage arrangement." Tang Wanyu hesitated. She wasn't sure if this was the right time to come clean and let her sister know the truth about her birth. No doubt, their mother would be furious at her once she found out that she told Moyu about what she knew.