Do You Think My Mother Ever Loved Me? (2)

Song Huifen listened with amusement over the conversation between her grandchildren and her oblivious son. She wondered how long it would take for Tianyi to suspect or get a gist that he fathered these little buns with her revealing it. 

For someone as smart as Tianyi, he sure was too slow when it came to the empress and her little buns.

Perhaps, this should be fine for now. Tianyi and Moyu should nurture the love they had to each other first before she could reveal the truth about the little buns's father. The more her son and the empress understood each other, the more they would be able to love and protect her grandbabies.

There was no way in hell that Lady Song would allow her son to fail being a good father to Baobao and Little Star, no matter how they'd been conceived or what the previous circumstances were before their conception.