Mother's Love (2)

They continued to look around once Tang Moyu calmed down. The master bedroom where her mother and twin brother were killed was perfectly cleaned, one wouldn't suspect that a horrible homicide took place in this room all those years ago. Everything looked normal.

Tang Moyu's eyes were filled with regret that she couldn't spend enough time with Yan Qiuyu. She must have been a loving mother and a good friend, based on Lian Fang's stories. It made her wonder if Yan Qiuyu's death wasn't as simple as a break-in turned homicide. How convenient for Zhang Wuying that the woman who held her husband's heart was suddenly gone for good one night.

She'd read the police reports and the news clippings of the tragedy that had befallen her mother and twin brother. While there wasn't anything suspicious about it, Tang Moyu had a nagging feeling that there was something more to it, that she'd only seen the tip of an iceberg.