What’s There to Talk About? (3)

There's no indication that Li Meili would disclose whoever he was nor what had happened for her to act like this. And Tang Moyu had never forced her best friend to spill the details out of respect. They'd known each other for decades and Tang Moyu knew that if Li Meili wanted her to know about it, she would tell her about it herself. 

It was sort of a mutual agreement between them, which was why Li Meili didn't question her about Feng Tianyi ever since they started dating over two months ago. Words weren't needed between them as they understood each other better than anyone else.

"I just haven't found the right person. Or maybe I already know who he is, but I just overlooked the possibility of us being together." Li Meili said with a faraway look on her face, as if she was thinking about someone at that moment.