As Long as I Have It, It Shall Be Yours (1)

The bell indicating the end of today's class had just rang, letting the devil and Song Fengyan know that they were just in time to pick up the empress's little buns from their new school. Song Fengyan stood next to his cousin stiffly, eyeing Feng Tianyi from the corner of his eyes. 

These days, Feng Tianyi had been relying more on his cane and starting to ditch his wheelchair. However, his full recovery was still a long journey and he would eventually get tired easily after standing on his feet, supporting his full weight. Song Fengyan had to make sure he would be able to catch him if ever his legs failed him again. 

"Daddy! Uncle Yan!" They heard Little Star's voice. Ah, such a cutie pie running towards them with outstretched arms, how can Song Fengyan's poor heart deny the little girl? He ran towards her midway before picking her up from the ground, hoisting her up in one arm.