Don’t Treat Me Like a Child (1)

Li Meili's whole body shivered upon seeing him. For a moment, she stared at him with wide eyes until she felt Little Star tugging her arm to get her attention. 

She cleared her throat and gave him an awkward smile. She hadn't expected that she would see him right now. Was this why she was feeling a little restless earlier? Was her instincts telling her that she shouldn't lower her guard? 

"Beixuan." She gave him a curt nod before hoisting up Little Star who was tugging her hand.

"Hi, darling. Did you miss me? Did you and your brother behave at school when Auntie wasn't around?" She asked before giving the girl a sloppy kiss on her cheek making Little Star giggle in her arms. 

"En! Little Star behaved! Yu Gege did too. And I miss my Auntie Meili too!" Little Star responded. "But I also miss Auntie Qian and Miss Elaine." She pouted.