Her Heart Is More Beautiful Than Her Face (1)

Something happened to her brother. This, Tang Moyu was certain. It had been over two weeks since Tang Beixuan returned from New Jersey after finishing his studies and joined Tang Enterprise to work. 

The first week, he was just doing fine, occasionally joking around with his new office mates, hanging out with them after working hours. However, lately, the empress could tell that her brother wasn't himself again. 

He was awfully silent, making her worried that something had happened without her knowing about it. Was it Zhang Wuying? She pondered. Did their oh-so-good 'mother' give Beixuan a hard time these days? 

Tang Beixuan was awfully silent and unlike his first week, he started to come home with Tang Moyu to Peach Blossom Garden after working hours, not that the empress minded, but she hoped that her younger brother would share with her about what was bothering him.