Run Fast My Little Rabbit (1)

Qin Jiran had accepted that he could only be second in his sister's heart? Tang Beixuan couldn't believe how selfless the man was. Or was he really? 

Did Qin Jiran accept his sister's terms only because he was so selfish that he neither cared if he was the first nor last so long that he could be with Tang Moyu? Tang Beixuan wondered. 

As someone who'd been in love with Li Meili for a long time, he could understand why Qin Jiran would do that. Even he was willing to accept anything and everything so long as he could prove his sincerity towards Li Meili, but the woman refused to see him beyond being her best friend's little brother and still treated him like a boy. 

This infuriated the youngest Tang sibling. He couldn't understand why Li Meili won't see him as the man he was. Who cares if he was younger than her? It wasn't like he committed a crime that she would cause her to be ashamed to be with him.