My Sworn Sister (2)

Li Meili hadn't heard from Tang Beixuan ever since he appeared unannounced right outside her door a week ago. Not that she was worried about him. She just thought that maybe he had finally accepted that they could never be.

She should be happy, right? But then, why did she feel like there's a gaping hole in her heart after rejecting Tang Beixuan again? Perhaps this time, the boy—the man would finally stop pestering her and would move on with his life without her. However, the flowers still continued to come, waiting on her desk every single morning without fail. 

Li Meili knew that she had no one to blame but herself. She didn't want to hurt him, but she also didn't want to put her relationship with Tang Moyu at stake. She cannot afford to lose the only person who loved her wholeheartedly, without asking anything in return.