I’ll Be the First Person to Destroy You (2)

"So… Li Meili and your brother. I never thought that Beixuan was talking about her all this time." Feng Tianyi said as he sat at the end of the couch, giving Tang Moyu's foot a massage. 

The little buns were seated on the carpeted floor, watching tonight's movie on the television. Their eyes glued on the screen, oblivious to what the adults were talking about. 

Tang Moyu laid on her back, an arm draped over her eyes. She moved her arm slightly and cracked an eye open to look at him. What the hell was he talking about? Did Beixuan tell him about Li Meili without knowing it was her? 

Feng Tianyi laughed seeing her annoyed expression. 

"Don't look at me like that, Moyu. I swear I didn't know until Beixuan told me tonight." He defended himself. There's no reason for her to suspect him of keeping the information from her when he wasn't aware of it as well.