Daddy Is No Match to Mommy (2)

Feng Tianyi had decided to spend the night at the main house of Tang Moyu's property since the heavy rain hadn't stopped even though it was already past ten at night. From the looks of it, it wasn't the usual thunderstorms that hit Shezhen in the afternoons. 

Another typhoon perhaps, Feng Tianyi thought. He couldn't think of any other possibility aside from that. Shenzhen is located at the estuary of the Pearl River anyway, and is therefore susceptible to typhoons. Summer also meant the flood season for the city, as this was also the time when disastrous weather such as rainstorms, thunderstorms and typhoons were common. 

The four of them had decided to have dinner inside the twins' room, much to the little buns' delight. This was the first time their Daddy Ji had been here with them at the main house and would be spending the night with them.