Only One Way to Be Sure (2)

"Tianyi, are you sure? You aren't joking right? Tang Moyu really told you that?" Song Fengyan whispered in low volume, looking around, making sure no one was eavesdropping on their conversation with He Lianchen. 

Even He Lianchen was shocked and curious about this sudden turn of events for his client and friend. As one of Feng Tianyi's right hand men, of course he'd been aware of the rare blood that runs in the Song family. 

Not even Gu Yuyao, who was a close relative of Song Fengyan and Feng Tianyi, had any idea such a family secret existed within the Song family. 

"En. She told me that Baobao and Little Star have golden blood. No one knows about it except Li Meili." Feng Tianyi said as he poured himself a cup of tea. They were in the sitting room of the guest house, reviewing the contracts and the profiles of the prospective managers they could hire to help around Xiao Xing Diamond Co.