You’ve Wronged Me, Feng Tianhua (1)

"Okay," Lu Tianxin agreed. She was clearly displeased with the sudden turn of events today. She would need to make sure that their company's PR team would keep an eye out on the news for the ones that could tarnish Tang Moyu's reputation because of this commotion Xing Yiyue had started. 

In fact, this was the first time she had met Xing Yiyue in person. However, it wasn't the same case for Feng Tianhua. She'd naturally met the man before, as he was betrothed to her cousin since they were younger. She occasionally saw him visiting Tang Moyu, trying to get closer to her, but it was futile. 

Lu Tianxin had seen him trying to strike a conversation with Tang Moyu, but the empress had only given him a cold shoulder every time, like she did to everyone else. It wasn't like Tang Moyu disliked him, it was just that Tang Moyu had never felt the need to make friends with him, considering that she only agreed to marry him at her mother's insistence.