It Was All Worth It (2)

"So what did you and Xu Wenyang talk about? You two looked so serious earlier." Li Meili asked Tang Moyu once they stopped at the red light as the latter drove her towards her apartment before heading home to Peach Blossom Garden.

"Not that serious. He's just curious what I plan to do against my mother. He's one of our major investors afterall." Tang Moyu shrugged and glanced at her dashboard mirror, only to see her twins eating yet another snack while their eyes were glued on the cartoon playing on a tablet.

She sighed, knowing there would be crumbs on her backseat again and that she would need to ask Auntie Lu to help her clean up the car later.

Behind them, she spotted the car that her little buns' bodyguards were using. Ever since the kidnapping incident due to the Ye family's issues, she and Feng Tianyi had made sure that the two would be followed around with more bodyguards for their safety.