You Are My Lucky Charm, Princess (2)

Indeed, from her young age, Meng Yanran's father had exposed her to the craft and had been surrounded by precious gems. That was why, it wasn't easy for other people or her peers to deceive her eyes whenever they brag about the expensive jewelry they got from their lovers or families.

Meng Yanran had never thought that she would be able to use the teaching her father had passed on to her in the future. Her mother had refused to allow her to take over their family business when it started to go down.

No matter how hard she tried, her efforts were just invalidated by her mother. If Tang Moyu hadn't mentioned it, Meng Yanran would never consider following in her father's footsteps. Although it was a little too late, it was better late than never, right?

Meng Yanran weeped silently as she took her things one by one, cleaning her table and packing everything she owned in a large suitcase she brought with her.