We Owe Madam Feng a Favor (1)

Tang Moyu started to cry, her eyes caught her sleeping twins on the bed, before shifting her view to Feng Tianyi, who was clearly nervous and uncertain of what was happening right now. This was supposed to be a happy occasion in their lives. A memorable one. So how come the day ended up this way?

"What do you mean you can't, Moyu?" Feng Tianyi hadn't felt scared for a long time now.

Tang Moyu ran her hands over her hair and shook her head. How was she supposed to accept all of this? It had been Feng Tianyi? What now?

"Please calm down, Moyu. You have to calm down, Baby. I-I…"

He wanted to tell her that everything would be alright. But even he wasn't certain if his relationship with the empress won't vanish into thin air with this confession. No, he wouldn't allow them to break up like this. Not like this.