That Bastard Is Me (1)

"What the fuck? She did what?" He Lianchen was shocked that Song Fengyan was only telling them this huge news now. He hadn't expected that Song Fengyan had suffered this much from his break up with Lan Xiyan years ago. By the looks of it, it seemed like even Feng Tianyi wasn't even aware of what happened between them.

Song Fengyan covered half of his face as he remembered those old times. Thinking about it, he realized that not all wounds could be healed with time, because until this day, he still felt like he was being stabbed right on his chest whenever he thought about how Lan Xiyan chose to abort their baby without telling him about it.

It didn't matter if the child was planned or not, Song Fengyan would surely take his responsibility seriously and would never abandon Lan Xiyan and their child. However, Lan Xiyan didn't believe that he wanted her in his life.