Lan Yunru (3)

"Huh? You don't have a daddy? How come?" Little Star asked Lan Yunru who was now fidgeting the edge of her shirt again.

"I don't know… I have never seen or met him. My mommy won't talk about him too." She responded.

"Oh just like me and Yu Gege before." Little Star blinked, while Baobao cast her a glance before shaking his head.

"But didn't you say you two have a daddy?" Lan Yunru was confused.

"Ah, that was before!" Little Star corrected herself. "When we came here with our mommy from New York, we didn't have a daddy, but my Yu Gege and I found him." She grinned widely, proud that she and her twin brother had hit the jackpot by taking a handsome uncle home for their mommy only to find out later that he was their real daddy!

"Really?" Lan Yunru's eyes widened in surprise. Was that even possible?