I’ve Underestimated His Idiocy (1)

Tang Moyu lazily scanned the will in her hands, trying to figure out why the hell would her father put a clause like that in his will.

"I don't understand why. Please enlighten me, Sir." She requested from the old lawyer. The man had been working with the Tang family for so long, and if there was someone who would know her father's intention, that someone would be no other than this lawyer.

"Because he wanted to make sure that his shares wouldn't end up with the wrong people. Even if the Tang Enterprise were to collapse one day, Tang Lixue didn't want anyone to use his shares for their own selfish gains." The old lawyer said truthfully.

"Do you mean his wife, Zhang Wuying?" She asked again.

"Hnn… as you know, their marriage didn't hold any value, other than them being husband and wife on paper." The lawyer paused as if gauging Tang Moyu's reaction. "He was already in a relationship with another woman when the Zhang family forced the marriage unto him."