Please Keep It a Secret (2)

The next day, Luo Qingqing decided to drop her daughter off at school, allowing Auntie Yu to stay at home while she waited for a chance to see and meet the mother of the friend her little dumpling mentioned last night.

She needed to make sure that her daughter and Auntie Yu would be safe wherever they were going. This was the only thing she could do to make sure the two would be safe.

Luo Qingqing didn't think they arrived too early today as some of the students had already scampered in front of the school's gate, bidding goodbye to their parents and nannies who dropped them off.

She and her daughter waited at the side, sitting on a bench, where they could see those who come and go.

"Have they arrived?" She asked her daughter, who was eager to see her new friends in the crowd.