To Win the Empress’s Heart (1)

Tang Moyu's narrowed at him with suspicion. He wasn't trying to trap her using the project, right?

"I'm sorry, I have to decline, President Yun. My calendar is full at the moment and my dinners are exclusively booked by my children. I hope you understand. You can give my assistant a call later to set an appointment if you want to discuss more about the project." She declined his invitation on the spot.

What was he thinking, being so shameless all of a sudden? Thankfully, her team had already left and they were talking in private and were out of everyone's earshot. But that didn't mean that she was saved from rumors that would spread like wildfire later about her involvement with the president of Yun Group.

Tang Moyu had long set a strict requirement on herself, and that was to never get romantically involved with her business partners or associates, or give them any indication that she had any romantic interest in them.