I Miss You Too, Baby (1)

Feng Tianyi tilted his head once he heard footsteps approaching him. His lips curled into a slight smile when he realized it had been the same woman who'd been occupying his thoughts and dreams for the past few days since he left Shenzhen.

It also didn't help that the rumors about her and Yun Zhen had started to circulate around again, ruining his mood. It hadn't been easy for him to leave Tang Moyu and their little buns for a business trip because he couldn't help but feel homesick.

And now that those ridiculous rumors had reached his ears, how can he idly stay still, knowing that another man wanted to take his woman away from him?

Tang Moyu walked slowly towards him. She adjusted her coat and shivered due to the coldness of the night.

When she was in front of him, Feng Tianyi drew her into an embrace, taking a deep breath, sniffing her familiar scent that calmed his nerves.

"I miss you too, Baby!" He kissed her crown and smiled to himself.