To Be With You (1)

Tang Moyu was thankful that she wasn't eating at the moment because she was sure she would choke to death because of his shamelessness tonight. Was it too late for her to deny that she knew this man?

She was itching to wrap her hands around his neck and strangle him on the spot. Of all the places, why would he joke like that in this kind of place? She shot him a glare and looked away.

"Stop talking nonsense. People might misunderstand you if they hear you." She hissed, her eyes swept around them, making sure they were out of everyone's earshot. Seeing the mischievous glint in his eyes, she realized that he truly enjoyed teasing her too much.

"No one's here to hear what I say, Moyu and I'm not even joking!" The corners of his lips threatened to curl seeing her annoyed expression. He actually thought that spending the rest of his life with her would be beneficial to him in the long run.