If You Are Going to Marry (1)

Feng Tianyi hadn't intended to give her the reigns, but this slight dominance coming from her was something he was curious about. Too bad he wasn't prepared for it. The view of the empress moving down between his legs was sexy as hell. He hadn't even thought that she was capable of such torture.

"Moyu, that's…" He wasn't able to finish his words as he found his mind being blown by her boldness. He tried to stifle his moan, but failed as Tang Moyu continued her assault.

He was having trouble remembering how to breathe properly and let his head fall back. His hand found the back of her head as his hips involuntarily thrust into her. Tang Moyu stopped whatever she was doing and gave him a warning.

His features were contorted with strain, a pleasurable strain he'd never thought he would be able to experience with her. How did she know? Feng Tianyi wondered. How did she know what he wanted?