You Are Going to Marry Mommy? (1)

"I'm sorry, Tianyi, I didn't know… Lan Xiyan asked me not to disclose it, but…" Tang Moyu apologized to Feng Tianyi once his cousin left Peach Blossom Garden. She wasn't sure what had truly happened, but looking at Song Fengyan's face, there was no doubt that he'd been through hell, just like she did years ago.

Song Fengyan had the same blank eyes she sported when she had lost everything, and was forced to face the unknown with an uncertain future. She knew how hard it was to find a reason to continue moving forward when all you want to do was to drop on your knees and cry your heart out.

"It's fine. It wasn't like I've known about it for too long. Lianchen and I only found out about it recently." There was a hint of regret in Feng Tianyi's voice that Tang Moyu noticed. Although he and Song Fengyan always argued, they had a better and deeper relationship comparable to real brothers.