I Don’t Want to Get Engaged (1)

Xiao Bao and Little Star were cheering for their daddy. Their daddy had told them that he intended to propose to their mommy today, but whatever Tang Moyu's answer would be, Feng Tianyi assured them that nothing would change as he would remain their daddy.

Tang Moyu was at a loss. What did her little buns mean by that? She could only watch her little buns run towards the guest house, leaving her alone with Feng Tanyi.

"What is it about?" She asked him curiously. Tang Moyu hadn't failed to notice that Feng Tianyi and their children were dressed up as if there was a special occasion today.

She tried to remember what day it was and if she was forgetting something but there was none. Tang Moyu couldn't remember anyone having their birthday today or anyone who was celebrating a special occasion today.