Selling the Empress (1)

It had been months since Tang Moyu last paid a visit to the Tang Estate. Truth to be told, ever since Zhang Wuying humiliated her in front of the other Tang family members, she had long decided to never step in this place again.

Her childhood memories in this place offered her nothing but suffering, and although she wasn't physically abused by anyone, except for her 'mother', Tang Moyu felt like an outcast in her own family.

As she closed the door of her car behind her, Tang Moyu lifted her head to see the familiar place where she grew up. It was now incomparable to the home she was currently sharing with her little buns and Feng Tianyi.

She might not have a loving family growing up, but she would make sure that her little buns would be able to enjoy their childhood and wouldn't suffer the same thing she had.