You Promised Me (3)

Under the umbrella that was being held by the empress, the two were protected from the heavy downpour. Feng Tianyi looked down at his wife, wondering what she was thinking at that moment. There was a hint of amusement in her eyes that he rarely saw on her.

"He's not you. So why would I be interested in him?" Tang Moyu repeated. She wasn't sure why he was feeling threatened with Yun Zhen when she had never made any indication that she was interested in that man.

Feng Tianyi felt silly when she questioned him like this. A light blush dusted his cheeks as he looked away. How can he forget Gu Yuyao's advice for him to lessen his vinegar eating when it comes to his wife?

"Sorry… I know, I should trust you." He muttered, but it was loud enough for her to hear.

Tang Moyu took his hand with hers and smiled.

"If you know, then why are you still asking? Come. Baobao and Little Star must have been waiting for us." She pulled him along and entered the compound.