My Very Own Daddy (2)

"Mommy!" Lan Yunru ran towards her mother with glee. Although she enjoyed her day with the Tang twins, her happiness was incomparable whenever she was with her mommy. She cherished every moment she spent with her, no matter how long or short their time together was.

Lan Xiyan was immediately brought back to reality the moment she felt her daughter's arm wrapped around her thigh. She recovered and returned the smile Yunyun sent her way. She bent down to the little girl's eye level and tucked the stray locks of Lan Yunru's hair behind her ear before kissing her cheek affectionately.

"Did my Yunyun enjoy her day with Little Star and Feiyu?" She asked her daughter.

"En! Little Star and I played on the swing! We had a lot of fun! Even Uncle Yan even promised to make another swing for us to use next time." Lan Yunru said excitedly, making Song Fengyan smile at her happy disposition.