Big Sister? What Big Sister? (2)

The first and second throw of the rocks missed the target. Seeing that the snake was about to devour its second meal, Feng Tianyi hurriedly threw the third rock, which hit the snake's head before it could touch the hatchlings. The snake lost its balance and fell into the bushes below the tree.

It didn't bother to return and finish its meal and crawled away. Feng Tianyi wasn't sure if this would make any difference. The snake might just come back later to finish its job. Those hatchlings had no future as long as the snake was around.

Maybe he should tell his Uncle Yang about the snake. Although this woods was usually deserted, the Yang family, as well as the families owning the lands past the woods, were keeping it safe and protected.

"Hurry, let us help them relocate their nest!" The little girl appeared beside him and demanded his help once again. Her face had a hint of terror on it, as if she was thinking that the snake would come back sooner.