Troublemakers (2)

The three had an enjoyable evening. The food was devoured as swiftly as it had been delivered to them. Then they watched a movie on the couch with their father, enjoying the night with him, momentarily forgetting what happened earlier and how they missed their mother.

Laughter bubbled from the couch as the two little buns sat around a bowl of popcorn as they watched on. Once the movie was over, Feng Tianyi wiped the table to clean their mess.

"Go to sleep now." He glanced at the clock and saw that it hit nine already. "You've been up an hour past your bedtime again. It's time for the two of you to get ready for bed."

"But Daddy…" Little Star whined. She wasn't tired yet and not ready to go to sleep.

"Daddy, can we please stay up a little longer?" Xiao Bao asked.

"No." Feng Tianyi forced himself to be firm this time. "I cannot spoil the two of you all the time or else Mommy would be mad at me. You think you are the only one who's afraid of her?"