Little Brother (2)

Other than Zhang Wuying, Tang Moyu had not met any of the Zhang family members before this. Even during all those years when she thought she was that woman's daughter, she had always wondered why she wasn't allowed to come with her siblings whenever Zhang Wuying brought them to her maiden family.

So she wasn't sure how the Zhang family perceived her existence. Did they see her as a threat, or was it all in Zhang Wuying's head? Looking at Zhang Jiren, she couldn't sense any hint of animosity in his eyes.

Was he really the same new devil people were talking about? Tang Moyu wondered. Zhang Jiren looked decent and not intimidating at all. Or so she thought, because clearly, Tang Beixuan and Elaine couldn't ignore the domineering aura of the dashing man in front of them.

Tang Moyu eyed the hand Zhang Jiren was offering her before giving him a firm handshake.