The Forgotten One (2)

Zhang Jiren only needed a few weeks before he could finally graduate from high school. Although his grades weren't as spectacular as the young empress's, he was able to pass and was known as a runner in their school.

He had just gotten home late at night from his last training session for his upcoming competition, the last one he would be participating in before he graduated. He was careful not to make any noise as he made way upstairs towards his bedroom.

As he tiptoed through the dim lit hallway, Zhang Jiren saw that the door of his father's study was slightly ajar. The soft light coming from inside told him that Zhang Xianzhe was still inside.

As he carefully tried to tread forward, hoping his father wouldn't notice his late return, Zhang Jiren froze when he heard Zhang Xianzhe's slurry words, as if he was talking to someone.

"Yan Qiuyu, I've saved your children, didn't I? How much longer are you planning to torment me like this?"