The Kind of Person He Was (2)

Was this a side of Feng Tianyi she was never aware of? Was he always like this? Tang Moyu felt like she was being deceived by her eyes. It was as if she was seeing a different person. That person doesn't seem like her husband at all.

"Miss Moyu, do you finally understand why Feng Tianyi was called the devil?" She heard Jia Yuntao ask. "It's because he acts like one when his patience snaps. He wouldn't stop no matter how much the other person begged for mercy. Well, unless he was satisfied."

Unlike Tang Moyu, this wasn't the first time Jia Yuntao had seen Feng Tianyi like this. In fact, when he'd seen the gentle and kind version of Feng Tianyi earlier, he also had a hard time believing that this was the same man who ruined him over a decade ago.

Seeing Feng Tianyi right now reminded him of the devil he knew from the past. As the man cried out from the neverending assault by the devil, Jia Yuntao could recall how ruthless Feng Tianyi could be.