Just a Paper Tiger (1)

The next day, while Tang Moyu and Feng Tianyi were waiting for the time they could pick the twins up from Song Huifen's residence, Tang Moyu found her husband in the study, talking with someone from the Qing Tian Group over the phone.

He sounded distressed and seemed to be facing a huge problem at Qing Tian Group. Thinking about it, Tang Moyu heard that the longest rival of the Qing Tian Group, Zion Inc., was starting to buy the shares of the company with a higher price that could entice the shareholders.

Tang Moyu never asked Feng Tianyi about it because while it's true that she was now part of the Song family, she was in no position to meddle in their company affairs.

Song Huifen was still alive. If anything, she had no doubt her husband would rather seek her mother-in-law's advice than discussing the problem with her. She waited for Feng Tianyi to finish his phone call before she made her presence known to him.