Don’t Hate Me, Sister (1)

Xing Yiyue couldn't stop the trembling of her body. How was she supposed to know that Tang Moyu was Feng Tianyi's wife, and the children she just insulted were his?

If she had known that she would suffer heavily tonight, she wouldn't have tagged along with Liu Ruoyan earlier.

The more she thought about it, the more Xing Yiyue hated Liu Ruoyan. All of this wasn't supposed to happen! If only that woman didn't force her to come with her. She knew it was a bad idea to see Tang Moyu, as she had already promised Feng Tianhua and Wang Ruoxi that she would avoid the empress as much as possible.

Now, her tears and pretense, acting as if she was suffering grievances, were now useless as she couldn't placate her husband or to make everyone believe that she was harmless. The eyes of the public that once condemned Tang Moyu several years ago were now on her, shaming her, condemning her for even daring to breathe the same air as the empress.