Can't Let You Go (3)

Yun Zhen returned to his office, but instead of resuming his work, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts about why Su Jingyi was leaving. It seemed that she had truly made up her mind, and there was nothing he could do to change her decision even if he wanted to. When Su Jingyi wanted something, it would be impossible to sway her or change her mind when she was already set on it.

It was at that moment when his younger brother came into his office and slouched on the couch across him. The younger man stretched his legs and yawned behind his hand before throwing a curious look at Yun Zhen. 

"Why the long face? Is it because of Miss Su's resignation? Did the two of you get into a fight?" Yun Ling asked his older brother. He and Yun Zhen were borne by the second wife of their father. While Yun Zhen chose to remain here in Shenzhen, his younger brother Yun Ling was his Deputy CEO and was the one in charge of their headquarters in Beijing.