Compensation (1)

Tang Moyu didn't want to lower herself to the level of dogs like Xing Yiyue. No—actually, it would be even rude and disrespectful to the dogs, saying that the scheming woman was on their level and not lower. Seeing that she couldn't truly avoid being left with Xing Yiyue, there was nothing else for her to do but to take some precautionary measures.

"I'm bringing my bodyguards with me. Who knows when this Madam Feng would dare to scheme again?" Tang Moyu said with sarcasm that Xing Yiyue's face turned ashen. 

Lady Wang gasped and turned to look at her son. Tang Moyu was still so tactful with her words, and it seemed she wasn't willing to let go of the past so easily. 

"Since we're here, I just want to say that I wouldn't pursue legal actions against Xing Yiyue, but I demand compensation from the psychological damages Xing Yiyue brought me." 

"Compensation? How much are we talking about?