Moyu, You Love Me, Right? (1)

When Feng Tianyi came downstairs with Zhang Jiren, Tang Moyu wondered what kind of talk these two had. Her husband only gave her a smile while their guest kept his impassive mask on, not giving her a single clue. Whatever their topic was, it seemed very private.

Tang Beixuan yawned big, his eyes teary as exhaustion finally caught up with him. He made a mental note to reschedule his ring-hunting for some other time. 

"I'll go first. We'll have a long day at work tomorrow," he told his sister before going upstairs. He also needed to give Li Meili a phone call to check on her. It had only been days since she left with Elaine Wu in Beijing, but he was already missing her so badly. 

"Are you sure you don't want to spend the night here with us, Jiren? It's raining hard outside." Tang Wanyu asked their cousin, worried that Zhang Jiren would have a hard time going home in this bad weather.