I.O.U (1)

"You're still here?" Li Meili asked her brother when she went down the stairs for the first time since she arrived home. She saw Li Yuanyi casually reading some papers his assistant had delivered to him that morning. Looking around the living room, she couldn't see their parents anywhere.

"If you are looking for them, you'll be disappointed for missing the chance to annoy them to death." She heard her brother say.

Li Meili took a seat across him and gave him a head-to-toe look. She suddenly felt that after not seeing her brother for a few weeks, Li Yuanyi had changed dramatically. She wasn't sure if it was because of Meng Yanran's influence, but Li Meili didn't care. He changed for the better and she could see that the two were getting along well.

"I just thought it was weird that this house is unusually silent today." She said in response. "I see that they aren't wasting time to sell their daughter off."