Choose the Lesser Evil (2)

Zhang Jiren wasn't in a good mood that night at all. If he hadn't received a phone call earlier from Li Yuanyi telling him that the deal that Zhang Liang was persisting to push would eventually gain the approval of the Li Corporation, he wouldn't have bothered to come here. He had to fly to Beijing at short notice, forcing him to reschedule his other appointments just to be here.

He checked the time for the umpteenth time, waiting for Li Yuanyi to show up. The only chance for him to stop Zhang Liang from sinking his fangs into his willing prey was to get Li Yuanyi's cooperation.

When Zhang Liang suddenly stopped spouting nonsense to the Li couple, Zhang Jiren followed his gaze and saw Li Yuanyi coming their way. What surprised him was seeing Li Meili with him.