You Wouldn’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone (2)

On the other side of the city, Yun Zhen was busy finishing his remaining workload before his flight in the coming weekend. He needed to make sure everything here, in the company, would be good while he was away. Yun Ling would be staying in Shenzhen to look after the company on his behalf.

"How long are you going to be away?" Yun Ling yawned and sprawled on the leather couch lazily. When his older brother told them that he was taking a short vacation, it left both Yun Ling and their grandfather speechless.

Vacation and break weren't the kind of words they could easily associate with Yun Zhen and Su Jingyi, so for them to see them go was quite unexpected.

Yun Ling had to pinch his side to make sure he wasn't hearing things; that his older brother had really just sent a leave application to their grandfather. Since this was the first time Yun Zhen had asked for a break, he easily got the approval for it.