I’ll Marry You (1)

Zhang Jiren and Li Meili left the hospital together. Since they still had a lot of things to discuss about their marriage, Li Meili allowed Zhang Jiren to take her away. She told Li Yuanyi that they must have a talk later once she returns home.

Seeing the two leaving together hand and hand, Madam Li turned to speak to her husband.

"Are you sure about this? Our Meili is marrying too soon." She said worriedly. To think that their youngest child had ended up pregnant with Zhang Jiren's child. Madam Li was confused with all of the revelations today.

Chairman Li shut his eyes and waved a hand. He had to admit that the sudden turn of events had caught him off guard.

"Meili is old enough to know the consequences of her actions. We just have to make sure that Zhang Jiren will properly take care of her."