An Eye for an Eye (3)

Tang Moyu shut her eyes as she sat behind the desk of their study. The only thing she could hear was the ticking sound coming from the clock and the typing sound as Feng Tianyi worked over his laptop, writing his manuscript while their children were homeschooled at the moment.

Feng Tianyi glanced at his wife over his laptop and saw that her complexion had become better compared to the day she'd come home with him from the hospital. Tang Moyu refused to be bound to a wheelchair for too long and requested to start physical therapy as soon as possible.

Now, they only needed to wait for her shoulder and arm to fully recover before she could come back to work. Feng Tianyi understood well that having her work delivered to their home wasn't enough for Tang Moyu.

"Are you sure it's alright for Baobao and Little Star to attend school again?" He asked, making Tang Moyu crack an eye open before shutting it once again.