Zhang Leyan’s Birth (2)

The moment Li Meili entered the delivery room, Zhang Jiren had been nervous about her and Leyan. For someone who was famous for always being calm and collected, the people who knew Zhang Jiren would be surprised to see him in such state for the first time. 

Every now and then, Zhang Jiren couldn't help but glance at the closed doors of the delivery room, waiting for someone to come out to update him and Tang Moyu, but there was none. Each time he heard Li Meili's painful screams inside the delivery room, his face would turn pale with worry. 

Why did women have to suffer like that just to give birth? Hadn't the nine months of pregnancy been hard enough for them? 

"Are you sure she would be alright? It's been over two hours now. Why isn't it done yet?" he asked Tang Moyu.