Because I Was the One at Fault (2)

After visiting his younger sister and newborn niece, Li Yuanyi drove Meng Yanran home. There was an awkward silence between them as the earlier meeting with his parents had surely made Meng Yanran uncomfortable. 

"I'm sorry for earlier. I thought Dad and Mom had left," Li Yuanyi apologized to his girlfriend who was seated on his passenger seat, staring outside the window. It seemed like she preferred to watch the rain drizzling down on the glass than look at him. 

"It's not your fault. We both know it wouldn't be easy to convince your father," she replied. However, that didn't mean that she wasn't affected when his father looked down on her. 

Meng Yanran thought that she had already gotten used to it, but it still pained her to know that Li Yuanyi was having trouble with his family because of her. Wasn't she too selfish? She wondered.