Im Not Your Real Daddy (1)

More than a week passed, and finally, Li Meili, and her daughter Leyan, were able to come home with Zhang Jiren. It was in the wee hours of the morning when Zhang Jiren stirred from his slumber, his mind a little confused as he wondered just what had woken him. 

His head turned to his side only to find Li Meili still sleeping peacefully facing him. Her chest  rose and fell slowly, assuring Jiren of her deep sleep. 

Finally, his question as to why he woke up was answered when he heard a cry coming from the baby monitor. Pulling himself away from Li Meili's arm that was draped across his torso, Zhang Jiren made his way swiftly towards his stepdaughter's nursery. 

Leyan had obviously woken up before him and was crying to get someone's attention.The child slowly ceased her crying when she sensed that someone had finally come to see her. Zhang Jiren immediately checked her diaper, making sure she was dry.