It's Not Feng Tianyi's Fault (1)

While Xing Yiyue's career and life continued to spiral down, the empress couldn't be bothered by it. Her concern was mostly for them to be able to apprehend Zhu Ziqian soon, so they could seek justice for Tang Beixuan's untimely death. More than ever, she wanted to put this ridiculous revenge to an end. 

It wasn't like she didn't care what sins her husband committed in the past, but she was aware, more than anyone, that Feng Tianyi had regretted most of them, and was willing to change for the better. She wasn't also trying to discredit Zhu Ziqian's pain from losing his loved ones, but she couldn't understand why her brother had to pay the price to ease his grief.

Tang Moyu would always patiently wait for He Lianchen's update. Each day that passed, knowing Zhu Ziqian was still free, roaming around, threatening the safety and lives of their loved ones, she felt like a ticking bomb was about to explode at any moment.