Who Do You Think You Are? (2)

Tang Moyu took this chance to dash forward, giving him a hard punch to his gut before disarming him. She kicked the gun away from him, making sure he wouldn't be able to retrieve it unless he beat her in a hand-to-hand combat. 

"What? Loss for words now? Did you just underestimate me, Zhu Ziqian?" she asked with a voice dripping with sarcasm. She had enough of this nonsense already. If Zhu Ziqian thought he could manipulate them by threatening their lives, then he was deluding himself.

"You dared to humiliate my husband in front of me? Do you not feel any shame at all? Compared to my husband, you are worse! Your wife must be rolling in her grave right now, ready to deny her affinity with you!" 

Feng Tianyi wasn't even sure how she managed to disarm Zhu Ziqian this fast, but he should have known better that his wife would never yield easily to anyone. But to think that she would go to this extent to protect him…