Birthday Banquet (3)

Feng Tianhua occasionally threw glances on Tang Moyu's way discreetly. He hadn't seen her for a long time and felt like he didn't know her anymore. She was far from the woman he fell in love with, who usually gave everyone a cold stare, not caring about them. 

Now, as he looked at the empress, he could see the subtle smile on her eyes as she talked with Li Meili and Zhang Jiren, far from the empress he was acquainted with before. Tang Moyu had changed a lot… and for the better. 

The surrounding coldness seemed to have been thawed, making her look happier and content. Feng Tianhua felt regret that he had lost this amazing woman because of his own selfishness. Perhaps if he didn't allow himself to get blinded with pride and had cherished her more, he wouldn't lose her. 

If he'd never met Xing Yiyue, would Tang Moyu be with him right now?